Our company YARED MULUGETA EXPORTS On brand names of Gem Ethiopia & Habesha Gems, is in involved in export of different Minerals and Gemstones from the mines of Ethiopia located in Eastern Horn of Africa.We have good relations with our buyers from different countries, we mantain our relation b/c we provide best quality product & interesting price.we Always look for Long term relation b/c we believe, we represent Country not individuals.Our company is proud member of EGA (Ethiopian Gem Association).We are happy to answer any of your questionsCurrently we are Exporting & looking Market for the following GemstonesOpal, Sapphire, Tourmaline,Garnet,Amethyst, Rubby, Quartz, Aquamarine, Agate, Citrine, Emerald, Amber, Amazonite, Bytownite, Sunstone, Moon Stone, Azulite and more