Main characteristics:
* It is very high hardness and wear resistance,their hardness up to 10000HV, it has good cutting performance and long service life;
* It has a lw friction co-efficient, friction co-efficient of the same metal is lower than other tol matcrials. gcncrally between 0.1 and 0.3. the blade is smooth and easy cutting chips out, not easy to produce chip tumor.Therefore,high quality surface to be machined.
*It has a lower co-efficient of thermal expansion, thermal expansion co-efficient several times less than the carbide,high speed steel is about 1/10. Heat generated when cutting deformation is small, so it is suitable for precision machining;
*It has high thermal conductivity, the thermal conductivity of about 1.5 to 9 times carbide, cutting tool shed heat easily, reducing the cutting temperature and improve tool life.