Republic of Türkiye
Republic of Türkiye
Company Overview

MINERVA is the oldest olive oil company in Greece. In its hundred-year history, day by day, year after year, MINERVA completed the march of trade in industry, essentially deciding to move from the olive oil trade to the industrial cycle of production, standardization and marketing of olive oil products .

This step was completed with the creation and continued development of a new and dynamic olive industry in Moschato. The adverse economic events and misfortunes did not take the collective effort (businessmen and executives), instead steel them so as to enable it to dynamically absorb the new technologies and know-how that Paterson & Zochonis offered to develop and its continuous modernization. And this reconciliation of concepts and business strategies succeeded in keeping the company's original vision alive and continually renewing it as the turn of the second century of life we are celebrating this year.

MINERVA is now one of the largest companies in the food sector. In 1993, the company decided to build a modern factory with state-of-the-art technology capable of realizing all the projects for the development of MINERVA on the domestic and international market, in the area of Schimatari, with a total investment of 35 million Euros.

Along with the decisions for the new investment, the company's commercial activity continues dynamically. The company, wishing to increase its turnover and the size of its market by covering all the country's stores, decides to support the effort of handling its products in any convenient way. It decides to take part in the costs of distributing its representatives to achieve the desired increase in sales.

Investments are made in various parts of the country, both in human resources and in technological equipment (refrigerators, etc.). Creates and strengthens distribution centers in wider areas, seeking the best possible service to the customer.

In June 1994, the construction of the new plan

Company Information
Business Type
Main Products
aptamil milk powder
Republic of Türkiye
City / State
Theatriou 165 & Odysseous 14452 Metamorfosi, Attiki Athens, Atikis
Established Year
Factory Information
Factory Size
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time
Trading Information
Total Revenue
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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