In 1991, MATSUHAKU-WU established GROUP PROSPERS ENTERPRISE CO., LTD in Taiwan, and become the expert of electronic specific gravity tester manufacturer. To maintain customers needs and rights to the highest standards we continuously delving into various types of measurement methods, upgrading products to meet the latest international norms (ASTM, ISO, GB/T, JIS).GROUP PROSPERS ENTERPRISE CO., LTD the professional manufacturer committed to manufacturing various professional density testing instruments which meet the latest international norms (ASTM, ISO, GB/T, JIS) , can test gold, platinum, bronze, rubber, film, oil ring, alkaline, anti-oxidant solution, construction, ceramic, powder metallurgy, sponge, EPDM, refractory, etc., and is inducted into Precious Metal, Solid, Liquid, Powder, Porous, and Multi-function Series.The Spirit of doing best to create a better future, toward the production of material density inspection equipment that is more in line with industrial standards, improving the product quality of producers and enhancing the competitiveness of the world.