Lavanya Enterprises
Lavanya Enterprises
Lavanya Enterprises
Company Overview

With a rich history spanning 15 years in the industry, Lavanya Enterprises has established itself as a beacon of excellence and reliability in manufacturing, trading, and exporting a diverse range of products. Since our inception, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to delivering superior products crafted with precision and care.

Our product portfolio includes soft toys, meticulously crafted from premium cotton and filled with high-quality fiber to bring joy and comfort to people of all ages. Additionally, we offer a range of kids' essentials such as school bags, baskets, and pocket purses, engineered for durability and aesthetics to enhance the lives of young ones.

Catering to residential, commercial, and industrial needs, our fiber sheets offer versatile solutions for roofing, covering, and more. Our range includes FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and epoxy sheets, meticulously engineered for durability, performance, and aesthetic appeal.

Quality is not just a goal; it's our ethos at Lavanya Enterprises. Over the past 15 years, we have refined our processes and expertise to ensure that every item bearing our name upholds the highest standards of excellence. From the selection of premium materials to the implementation of rigorous quality checks, our dedication to quality permeates every aspect of our operations.

Drawing on our extensive experience, we have developed a comprehensive three-layered quality check system to uphold our commitment to excellence. This system, honed over years of practice and refinement, ensures that each product meets our exacting standards before it reaches our customers' hands.

At Lavanya Enterprises, our 15 years of experience serve as a testament to our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction and product quality. When you choose Lavanya Enterprises, you are not just purchasing a product; you are investing in years of industry expertise, meticulous craftsmanship, and unparalleled commitment to excellence.

Company Information
Lavanya Enterprises
Business Type
Main Products
plush toys, stuffed animals, teddy bears, dolls, cuddly creatures, soft playthings, fabric toys, huggable companions, snuggle buddies, children's comfort toysba
City / State
New Delhi
A95 Begumpur New Delhi, Delhi
Established Year
Factory Information
A95 Begumpur
Factory Size
Below 1,000 square meters(m²)
Total QC Staff
Less than 5 people
Total RND Staff
Less than 5 people
Number of Production Lines
Above 10
Annual output
Below US$ 1 Million
Average Lead Time
10 days
Trading Information
Total Revenue
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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