Hospitals and Clinics equipped with ECOKLIEN HOSPITAL Wastewater Treatment System meets the standards and regulations, maintains effective water management and wastewater treatment solutions.ECOKLIEN Wastewater Treatment System uses Electro-coagulation and Electro-oxidation technique for Hospital waste-water treatment, simple and easy operation with lower sludge production. ECOKLIEN with advanced electro-coagulation process produces bigger flocks and removes the bio-medical pollutants, and disinfects using advanced electro-oxidation process Biomedical Liquid Waste Treatment SystemAdvanced Electrolytic Biomedical Liquid Waste Treatment System Advanced Biomedical Liquid Waste Treatment System Biomedical Liquid Waste Treatment System by using Electrooxidation technologyLiquid Biomedical waste treatment system Liquid Biomedical waste Management Liquid Medical Waste Disposable System Automated System to treat Liquid Medical Waste Packaged Biomedical Wastewater Treatment System Automated System to treat Medical Liquid WasteHospital Biomedical wastewater treatment system Laboratory wastewater treatment system